Shout Outs

Turning Back or Looking Ahead...

I wish I could protect you..
Lets Begin...

2: Lisa
Hi. =) I met you back in freshman year and thought you were that persistant person who would never strive for second best, and you've proven me right. You deserve being number one chair of our section for you have that passion for your instruments which nobody else in our section can compare to. Outright, you're a great friend and leader which is hard to come by. Also, I really enjoy our outings together; girl rants and raves and random shopping sprees. =D haha. If I were locked in a room with a couple of people, you'd definitely be one of those people I wouldn't go insane around or try to kill after a week.

2: Amberly
I'm sorry we've lost touch over the last 2 and a half years. I still miss you though. Often, I go to school thinking how differnent everything would be if you were here. I mean, you'd probably be number one along side me. heh, it's amusing to think how you introduced me to band, and how I've gone to pursue it at my school though you've stopped. I hope we meet again soon. Take cares until then!

2: Christina
WOWZERS! haha. I believe in the last year both of us have changed dramatically. I mean both you and I are on completely opposite ends of where we predicted we would be a year ago. LoL. I find this amusing. I miss you a lot, and hope we can seriously have some relax time together sooner or later. Maybe during summer ... well.. I can't wait. *hugs* I miss you!!!!!!

2: Jason
haha. Wasn't expecting this were you? Anyways, The last year you've changed me and opened new doors for me, expanding my mindset to encompass more than just the small world I had been living in. You coerced me into growing up and to stand by myself. Thank you for realizing what was right for me, even in the end. =)

Other people which have touched my life:

My parents
My sister (perhaps more than she'll ever know)
My cousins (esp. Steve)
Charissa Young
Joe Ainsworth
Marlene Becker

°~{ "I aimed for the heart but ended up hitting the stomach." - the author of The Jungle }~°